Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's on! Ranked 19x19

I've played much Go tonight and I've gone from 21 kyu to 16 kyu and then back to 21 kyu. But the rating aside, I've grown much as a player. I used to feel very intimidated by the 19x19 board size because I'm so new to the game and so many players I've encountered have had frightening skills (though I have mostly played people with higher rating than myself). There are two games tonight that I'm especially fond over. One because I met a person with about as little experience with the game as I have and the other because what begun as a very awkward game ended up with an even game where I managed to claim a lot of territory (though still loosing with 8.5 moku).

I won't show full match records of these two games since 19x19 games are too long to record with pictures and, as much as I'd like to, I haven't found any ways to add a SGF viewer on a Blogspot page. I'm sure there is a way. Enlighten me, somebody! I will show the complete boards of both games though and let you see if you can figure out how the games have played. It might be difficult because of my (mostly skew) play.

Ekorren [17k] (W) vs. snakeeater [26k] (B)

Ekorren [17k] (W) vs. Kratos [17k] (B)


  1. Good luck with the blog. You might want to pust your games using an SGF viewer like Gludion.

    Instructions here:

  2. Players that have access to an SGF viewer can download your KGS games here:
